COST Action IS1102 SO.S. COHESION - Social services, welfare state and places


The Action had four main Tasks

Task 1 - WG1 Comparison of regulatory frameworks and organisational trajectories in social services months 1-12
Task 2 - WG2 Analysis of the effects of changes in care services months 10-36
Task 3 - WG3 Comparative assessment of practices, oriented to providing policy inputs months 34-48
Task 4 - WG4 Dissemination and capacity building months 1-48

The first three Tasks were roughly sequential (see Chart 1), whereas the fourth was transversal. The first three Tasks were carried out by three, corresponding, Working Groups, each coordinated by a WG Leader and Co-leaders. Efforts were made to ensure the presence of at least one country per welfare regime – in each Working Group. The fourth Task was carried out by all participants, throughout the duration of the Action, and was coordinated by a Dissemination Board.


Action IS1102 Timetable 
YEAR 1 2 3 4
Quarter 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Task 1  Regulatory contexts                        
Task 2        Comparison of in-depth case studies in care services        
Task 3                        Policy inputs
Task 4  Dissemination of knowledge and capacity building


To realize these tasks, the Action deployed a series of activities.

For each period of activity, the exact workplan of the Action was established by the Management Committee (MC) within the general framework defined by the Memorandum of Understanding and taking into account the grant allocated by COST for the period of activity in question.

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