COST Action IS1102 SO.S. COHESION - Social services, welfare state and places

News and Events

25 January 2018 - Public presentation of the Action final publication Social Services Disrupted with the editors in Reggio Calabria

Public presentation of the Action final publication Social Services Disrupted with the editors in Reggio Calabria.

On 25 January 2018, at the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, the editors Flavia Martinelli, Anneli Anttonen and Margitta Mätzke have presented the Action final book Social Services Disrupted. Changes, Challenges and Policy Implications for Europe in Times of Austerity, published by Edward Elgar in November 2017.

The book conveys the main findings of the COST Action IS1102 ‘Social Services, Welfare States and Places’ and is OPEN ACCESS, i.e. can be freely accessed and downloaded on the publisher’s website at: 

The poster with the programme of the event and the powerpoint presentations by the three editors and the invited discussant (in Italian and in English) are available below. The recording of the live event is available at: 

Public presentation of the volume (live recording) PART 1: 

Public presentation of the volume (live recording) PART 2: 


-          Poster

-          ppt Introduzione F. Martinelli (in Italian)

-          ppt A. Anttonen (in English)

-          ppt A. Anttonen (in Italian)

-          ppt M. Mätzke (in English)

-          ppt M. Mätzke (in Italian)

-          ppt Conclusioni F. Martinelli (in Italian)

-          ppt E. Neve (in Italian)

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